Un voyage A travers l’Europe, le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique sur le theme du changement climatique

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samedi 9 août 2008

Le blog Avenir Climat passe à DC 2.0

Franck-le-webmaster a passé le blog sous DC 2 version finale. Vous ne voyez pas la différence, mais moi si, l'interface d'administration est plus complète et rapide.

Autre modif significative : le blog est accessible en anglais :

vendredi 8 août 2008

Pékin 2008 : les anneaux sont en ivoire / Beijing 2008 : rings made of ivory

(English version below)

Pékin 2008 : les anneaux sont en ivoire

Le 31 juillet 2008

Le 16 juillet 2008 à Genève, trois semaines avant le début des Jeux Olympiques, la Chine a obtenu le statut de partenaire commercial du trafic légal de l’ivoire. Cette distinction renforce aussi sa position incontestée de leader du trafic illégal de l’ivoire. Des milliers de commerçants détaillants en ivoire à travers la Chine pourront avoir la tête haute et recevoir sans problèmes les touristes. Dans quelques mois conformément au processus mis au point par la CITES (Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d’extinction,), la vente aux enchère de 108 tonnes d’ivoire détenues par l’Afrique du Sud, le Botswana, la Namibie et le Zimbabwe sera dynamisée par la présence de deux acheteurs, le Japon jusqu’alors seul candidat potentiel et la Chine. En fait, un peu d’ivoire légal suffit à blanchir beaucoup d’ivoire illégal et il n’y a aucun doute sur le fait que le prix de la matière première va s’envoler après cette entrée de la Chine à la bourse internationale de l’ivoire. L’Afrique du Sud et les pays voisins applaudissent mais 27 pays africains sont en colère et redoutent une recrudescence du braconnage. Cette décision qui ouvre officiellement le marché de l’ivoire à plus d’un milliard d’acheteurs potentiels a été prise sans prendre en compte les risques d’extinction des éléphants sauvages sur le continent africain. De plus, elle va en particulier permettre au dictateur Mugabe (Zimbabwe) de troquer avec la Chine de l’ivoire contre des armes comme il en a déjà pris l’habitude.

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mercredi 6 août 2008

German Klima camp 2008, Hamburg

Interview of two activist who prepare the German Climate Action Camp in Hamburg for august 2008.
Video ; Benoit. Realisation : Purvi.

Climate Action Camp, England, 2008

Interview of an activist from Scotland who prepare the 3rd Climate action camp in England
Video ; Benoit. Realisation : Purvi.

samedi 2 août 2008

Poland: Wieliczka and Auschwitz

I have been travelling through Poland now for almost 2 weeks with Ben’s family. I am getting used to Europe, I think; its difficult in a fun sort of way realising the intensive meat culture here where its just as tough to find chicken in a normal restaurant they way finding beef in India seems like a wild goose chase.

Wieliczka 1 Photo From Wikipedia

Yesterday I visited the salt mines at Wieliczka near Krakow and the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp. We visited the salt mines first and I was being kindly informed about the salt mines by Benoit while I peered outside the window hoping to catch a glimpse of the water body nearby. Much to my surprise we stopped around a school like structure. It was then I realised that it was an underground salt mine. Led by tour guide who in her uniform looked a Russian army chief straight out of the latest Indiana Jones movie, it definitely seemed like I was taken back in time. The strong Eastern European accent gave an all around effect to entire visit.

So after going 150 m underground (the other 150 m being unavailable for the tourists) and losing count of the steps we were using to cover this distance it seemed ages till we reached the salt mine and what a breathtaking sight it is. The walls yet covered in rock salt gives an eerie effect on the setting, with dim lights leading us from one chamber into another. The elaborately carved underground rooms, the beautiful opaque chandeliers made from salt just like the floor and the ceiling is an absolutely stunning sight. The Cathedral inside also has various recreations of the Bible, the Last Supper etc. The salt floor felt like marble to touch and the structures has a dim porcelain glaze.

Wieliczka 2 Photo From Wikipedia

The tour guide led us from one chamber to another explaining the function of each room and the life and the history of miners and the mine as we went around recreating history in our minds. She even mentioned that there were miners who spent their lifetime working in the mines without ever seeing the daylight again. She explained that according to folk story as salt was not available in Poland it was Queen Kinga from Hungary (later married to King Boleslaw of Poland ) threw her engagement ring in Maramures salt mine of Hungary and which miraculously travelled through to be found in the mines of Wieliczka.

The Wieliczka salt mine proudly boasting of being a World Heritage site is a must see for all visiting Poland. It had been until 2007 in continuous operation, producing table salt, since the 13th century. It was one of the world's oldest operating salt mines (the oldest being in Bochnia, Poland, some 20 kilometres distant from Wieliczka). Active mining was discontinued in 1996 due to low salt prices and mine flooding. The mine on an average attracts around 1.2 million tourists annually. Indeed, I would definitely recommend it as a once in a lifetime visit for everyone. Being used to looking at the salt heaps in India, the Wieliczka salt mine will definitely be an experience I would wish to revisit.

By the time we left the salt mine it was early afternoon with our stomach eager for some food. Food, Europe and I don’t seem to be going well together. Chicken and seafood being the only kind of meat that I eat, it was difficult, considering I found all other possible animals on the menu except chicken. Animals ranging from deer, rabbit, cow, pig, duck etc seem to be a staple diet for everyone living there. So I just got accustomed to eating an oily potato pancakes which were quite popular here. So after my not very thankful meal we headed to Auschwitz.

Auschwitz 2 Photo From Wikipedia

Auschwitz- Birkenau concentration camp was one of the largest Nazi concentration camps. Situated a mere 50 kms away from Krakow, this place takes you away from the big city atmosphere to that of pain, suffering and torture, expanding your minds to the horror human mind, spirit and body is capable of suffering against how its capable of torturing helpless victims of civilization forgetting humanity.
The name Auschwitz is taken from nearby village called Oswiecim and Birkenau refers to the birch trees surrounding the area. Around 3 million people are known to have died within this camp.

It is a nerve chilling moment as you walk through gates "Arbeit macht frei" translated into English as ‘work makes (one) free’. The cobbled street and bricked barracks each around 2 floors high seem shy to give out its secrets. It’s as you walk around through each of these severe looking buildings that the intensity hits you of life for those who lived to die here without hope. The exhibitions in each barrack are devoted to each country/region from were prisoners were brought in. Auschwitz 1 was were the Nazis opened the first concentration camp for men and women and used Zyklon B to conduct experiments and mass extermination of Jews. Located within this premise was Block No 11-‘the block of death’, the standing cells and the starvation cells.

Auschwitz 1 Photo From Wikipedia

The exhibitions share poignant stories of bravery, those who dared to fight and those who perished, of those who lived to tell and those who died with the secrets of their death. The pictures, the innumerable lists of people, the ruin and remains of the space the barracks , the barbed fences, the worn out uniforms of the prisoners speaks out the heinous and downright disgusting part of history that they were made to suffer.

It is not for me to tell more about this place as I don’t think I can do justice to it as a mere spectator. I think for each one Auschwitz is a personal experience of learning and understanding humanity. Just to learn more about their life and get a perspective on yours it is definitely worth a visit to understand Poland and its history.

I came back to our hotel with a new found appreciation for life.

jeudi 31 juillet 2008

Come to the 20th annual Ecotopia gathering!

Call out

This year, Ecotopia will take place between 9-23 August 2008 in Turkey, close to the city of Sinop at the Black Sea. You are invited to take part, and discuss energy and other issues, support local activists and meet with groups from different parts of Europe.

logo ecotopia 2008

The Issues
Every year, Ecotopia pays special attention to one issue. Usually this is an issue which is of particular concern to the local Ecotopia organisers. This year, Ecotopia will take place close to a location determined for the construction of a nuclear power station, and the main theme will be the energy issues.
In Turkey, the pros and cons of nuclear energy have been debated for almost 30 years. In 2004, the Turkish government took a sudden turn in the energy policy and made a plan to meet Turkey's increasing energy demand by building 3 to 5 nuclear plants between 2008 and 2012. The reliance on nuclear energy runs huge economic and environmental risks.

The construction of nuclear energy plants wastefully consumes public resources: both their construction and dismount at the end of their term are expensive. Not to mention serious risks and problems related to the storage of nuclear waste and possible accidents. We believe that the energy crisis should be solved by decreasing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency and promoting low-impact energy production. And we would like to focus workshops and activities at Ecotopia on these issues.
logo eyfa
What is Ecotopia?
Ecotopia is an annual 2 week-long meeting of activist individuals and groups, focusing on issues of environment and social justice. It has been organized by EYFA (European Youth For Action) since 1989, and is hosted by local grassroots environmental organizations. The 2008 Ecotopia will be hosted by Ekolojik Utopyalar Dernegi.
Ecotopia is a horizontally organized space to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, share skills in workshops or discussions, exchange experiences and ideas, network with new groups, and spread information on social, political and environmental actions. Ecotopia usually hosts a few hundred people, addressing topics such as racism, xenophobia, homo-and queerphobia, creative dissent, alternative media, social centers, sustainable building and infrastructure, organic/fair trade food and farming, climate change, diversity, GMOs, etc.

During the two weeks, the community utilizes methods of low-impact living; from a vegan kitchen, use of alternative power and ecological cleaning products (washing liquid, soaps, toothpaste), to organizing events to benefit the locality (cleaning actions etc.)

bike tour 2008
The Biketour is a great sustainable way to reach Ecotopia. This year's tour starts in Sofia (Bulgaria), and cycles all the way towards the Ecotopia.. For more information check Ecotopia Biketour webpage.

Take part in Ecotopia! Have a look at the website for more info and please fill in the registration form.

Give a workshop! Everyone is invited to offer workshops, discussions, screenings on the theme, or other presentations on related social and environmental issues. To register a workshop – fill in the workshop form.

Take part in the preparation camp If you are willing to help with preparing the site, by building the basic structures such as the kitchen and toilets, please take part in the prep camp, starting on the 25th of July.

If you have any questions - write to ecotopiaATeyfa.org
Greetings, The Ecotopia crew

www.ecotopiabiketour.net and blog : http://blog.ecotopiabiketour.net/

When the eyes of lust look upon me
May the mind of calm guide me
When the hands of hate seize me
May the heart of Lovingkindness free me
When the clouds of delusion surround me
May the light of Wisdom guide me
May my calm heart make others happy
May my clear mind make them free

mardi 29 juillet 2008

Dahanu Thermal Power Plant

It was almost 2 years ago when I started working with DTEWA (Dahanu Taluka Environment Welfare Association) as a campaigner. The organisation when I joined had embraced many issues like Solid Waste Management, Tribal Upliftment etc. But the core issue remained that of the Thermal Power Plant. To understand the problem of the Thermal power Plant, it is important to know about Dahanu.

Located on the border of Maharashtra and Gujarat, Dahanu is only a mere 120 kms away from the hustle and bustle of Mumbai/Bombay. Dahanu is a small town with most of it population being land owning, horticultural Parsis and Iranis whose forefathers had migrated there after leaving Persia and indeginous Warli tribe who have over the years become marginal fisherfolks, farmers, labourers etc. Situated in a ecologically strategic location Dahanu is still 42.5 percent of forest.
Thus owing to the forest cover, its coastal location, providing abundant natural resource, its tribal culture and its horticultural wealth, It was one of the three, among its kind in 1991 , to be declared as Ecologiacally Fragile by the State of India. The Notification specifically restricted the setting up of polluting industries in Dahanu and restricted these to a limit of 500 acres. The Notification also classified industries into Red, Orange and Green categories on ecological considerations.
The Notification also stipulated "no change in land use" while directing the State Government to prepare a Regional Plan demarcating all green areas, orchards, tribal areas and other environmentally sensitive ones.

dahanu thermal power plant entry

All said and praises for Dahanus beauty, but it is yet a fight for those living in Dahanu. It was in 1986 when the The Dahanu Thermal Power Plant was proposed to be built in Dahanu. Even though it was met with a fierce protest from residents and farmers who formed DTEWA (Dahanu Taluka Environment Welfare Association) under the leadership of Ms Nergis Irani and Katy Rustom, the Thermal Power Plant was built and put to function. Surprisingly all the committees appointed by the State and the Central Government to ascertain the viability of a fossil based Thermal Power Plant in the area were unsure of its repurcussions and gave it a negative verdict.
Yet, the Ministry of Environment and Forests granted permission to the company then owned by the Bombay Suburban Electric Supply (BSES) Co. Pvt Ltd to set up a 500 MW thermal power plant in the region. However, the company was given clearance conditionally with fifteen consent conditions laid down "to minimize pollution caused by the Plant and to protect Dahanu Taluka".

dahanu thermal power plant Satelite view of the coal power station with google.

Meanwhile the DTEWA appealed to the Mumbai High court against the permission but lost the case as the court cited the need to produce energy to provide electricity for Mumbai as a reason to sanction the Thermal Power Plant in Dahanu.

Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) is Reliance Energy Ltd.'s single largest power generating facility. It is a 500 MW (2 X 250 MW) coal based thermal power station. Located over a spread of 834 acres of land the Thermal Power Plant is directly adjacent to the coastal area therby making it easier for the Thermal Power plant to dump the hot water produced into the sea. This especially is a cause of concern among the fisherfolk as the decreasing annual catch bears witness to their plight and concern.


Over the years the fight for a clean existence for the residents of Dahanu has been a part of Daily life. One of the stipulations of the environment clearance was the setting up FGD (Flue Gas Desulphuristaion) unit with 90 percent efficiency. This condition imposed in 1989 was left hanging till the environmentalists decided to pull up the Thermal Power plant as they saw no attempts being made of its installation. The environmentalists took up the issue with the specially constituted quasi-judicial authority, the Dahanu Taluka Environment Protection Authority (DTEPA) that passed an order on May 12th 1999 directing the company to initiate the process of "setting up of the FGD unit within a period of six months and complete the same within a reasonable time period."
This was then again delayed by Reliance till March 2005 who was then ordered by the Dahanu Authority to put in 300 crore Rupees as a bank guarantee towards the commitment of protect Dahanus Environment. This was then again appealed in the High Court by Reliance only to have the amount lowered to 100 crores. The FGD was finally installed and is now being monitored by various environmentalists and the DTEWA as they receive bi annual reports of its function.

mercredi 2 juillet 2008

3rd day in Poland : Kielce, Krakow and me

Day 3 I think

Its 1st of July today just 3 days after I arrived in Warsaw, Poland which was so relaxing with Xavier’s cooking and his funny French ways, his intense backpacking wisdom and Monicas hospitality and her beautiful apartment.

It was definitely tough leaving it all behind, but once Xavier, Benoit and I were out by 9 in the morning, I had this surge of freedom spreading through my body. We had decided that we would be hitchhiking till Krakow and from thereon to maybe even to Bratislava, Slovakia. So I sit in my first Youth Hostel café I cannot believe my luck as this happened to be one of those intense moments of my travel which will always be special for me. I am right now in Krakow.

auto stop cracovie

It started out with Xavier, Benoit and I standing on Street no. E77 of Katowice after a lovely city tram ride. So armed with a cardboard cut out with ‘KRAKOV’ written on it we started our wait. After 20 minutes of waiting, 1 lewd call, around 200 cars and maybe 50 “no’s” which is a good average, 1 car decided to stop to tell us that he can drop us half way till Kielce. The only catch being there is only place for 2 people. So, alas our threesome journey came to an end and Xavier wished us luck with a promise to maybe meet us in Krakov unless his feet decided to take him somewhere else.

purvi and pavel

The driver seemed to be the regular van driver kind from here, clean looked, big built, shaved head (very common for Europe I think). He didn’t speak Polish but Xavier had us fixed well. He was to drop us midway where he would leave to get on with his life and us with ours. Moving on with the little English he spoke and no Polish that we knew, sign language and a couple of words carried us on. I slept most of the way leaving Ben to the sign language business. It wasn’t till we got into the suburbs the last 30 minutes of journey when he started showing us the “left looking” and “right looking” getting our attention to the beauty of suburban Poland. Lovely old houses dating back to 100 years or 200 years, scenic views that took my breath away, old castle wishing you were there in its prime years. It was beautiful to say the least. It was then he told us that he works for a water company which manufactures bottled drinking water.

eau mineral

He even called up ‘Rosemary’ to translate into English to explain himself better. Rosemary was nice enough to do so and told me not to worry and that he was a nice man. Coming from a place where I trust none I decided to be vigilant all the same. Rosemary also told me that he would be taking me to the Bottle company where he would drop his “hundreds bottle caps” and then drop us to the next hitchhiking stop. We didn’t have much to lose and with time on our hands we decided to give it a go. Entering Kielce was beautiful, the scenery gorgeous and our happy van man so proud of his home country, it was really nice to see him happy and laughing. I could see why he felt so proud to introduce us to KIELCE.

The bottled water company was named after Henryk Sienkiewicz, a prominent Journalist and a Nobel Prize Winning Writer. Today being an experience first of its kind it was overwhelming when he invited us inside the manufacturing unit and introducing us to his boss. Surprises were yet come. The boss invited us to lunch and we having no plans graciously accepted. Our man, the bottle cap van driver turned out to be a very well connected man and took us to a friend’s restaurant for lunch in his nice Mercedes Benz which I ogled at for a good 15 minutes. He drove us there in almost silence. Breaking his silence to tell us that there was a football field a jump away.

The Boss arrived and lunch was awesome. Our over conversations which ranged from Polish History to Indian Culture to the history of the Sienkiewicz company to the well mannered Poles to our very well “connected” friend who told me that his name was Pavel. Pavel also decided to show me the football stadium, where he was once an ‘offense’ player. Keeping up to the Polish standards the building insides were clean with well placed football memorabilia etc.

stade foot pologne

Steeping on the grass I felt like a celebrity myself. Most Europeans might not associate with my experience but readers you have to remember in India a football field like yours is yet to be built there so a football field id something that I have seen only in television. Feeling that grass under my feet made me realise the intensity of the sport during the game. It was overwhelming to say the least, something that most of you might feel when you see an Indian Village, I guess.

purvi mercedes pologne

And so after having refreshments, Mr Boss – Mr Przmyslaw Blachut decided to bid us good bye and we did the same to get up and about on our way hitchhiking now from Kielce to Krakow. Pavel dropped us to a gas station 2kms away ending our fun experience by asking me to live in Poland. His charming manners made him so endearing I left him with a nice hug.

We waited for about 15 mins till our next car stopped to pick us up. We were on our way to Krakow.

Lundi 30 juin 2008

Warsaw Day 1

I think it would probably have been very strange day if it had not been for Monica and her couch surfers hosting me and making me feel absolutely at home when I had just flown in from India the same morning. So as we celebrated my first travel to any foreign country later that evening I could not help but think about the day's events and my observations.

purvi warsaw 1

I got off the airport extremely confused; trying to figure out what time it was back home in India and being overwhelmed by just being 5784 kms away from India I searched for Ben in a small crowd of around 30 people. As time passed I panicked having no Euros no phone or the fact that I know nobody here I made a quick decision to ask some help if any from the Tourist office; The difference of Monica and friend Isa 's(both Polish) hospitality and friendliness was later extremely appreciated when I met them to the rude tourist office officials who seemed to be too bored to listen to a foreigners problem and query. I finally did find Ben and did manage to make it outside the Airport. But I did feel a little disappointed that I cross oceans to find similar bureaucrats here as well,

At first impression Poland did not seem very different than an Indian suburb with very little traffic no pollution whatsoever and very few people with small shops scattered around but that did not last long for me. As the first 5 minutes passed by I think the few similarities that I had found had turned themselves into big differences – the afternoon warmth disappeared giving way to a windy evening, Warsaw seemed to look cleaner by every step I took, I started finding small hole in the wall café with charming décor and jazz music. I think the principle by which India is different from Poland is the subtlety. India's charm lies in its colourfulness its pretty in your face shiny demeanour, the fancy jewellery the big moustached men with the sari clad women with flowers in their hair. Definitely urban India is more different and close to any European country which is why I haven't found anything extremely shocking yet but I am sure there will be plenty to find here and plenty to learn. I am really excited to discover Warsaw's old buildings, the elaborate graffiti, the urban Warsaw with their kinotec's (Cinema halls) the little of Poland which I remember seeing from the bus back to Monica's place from the Airport.

warsaw 2 warsaw 3 warsaw 1

Lundi 19 mai 2008

Food crisis and climate change

Voici trois articles récupérés lors de mon passage en Israël sur la crise alimentaire. Les prix augmentent pour plusieurs raisons simultanée : - changement climatique, avec des sècheresses ou des inondations - prix de l'énergie, le pétrole devenant de plus en plus rares - privatisation de l'agriculture, avec une spécialisation des cultures pour augmenter l'exportation et qui entraine la disparition de l'agriculture vivrière - modification des habitudes alimentaires, avec une consommation plus importante de viandes et de lait - etc.

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