I think it would probably have been very strange day if it had not been for Monica and her couch surfers hosting me and making me feel absolutely at home when I had just flown in from India the same morning. So as we celebrated my first travel to any foreign country later that evening I could not help but think about the day's events and my observations.

purvi warsaw 1

I got off the airport extremely confused; trying to figure out what time it was back home in India and being overwhelmed by just being 5784 kms away from India I searched for Ben in a small crowd of around 30 people. As time passed I panicked having no Euros no phone or the fact that I know nobody here I made a quick decision to ask some help if any from the Tourist office; The difference of Monica and friend Isa 's(both Polish) hospitality and friendliness was later extremely appreciated when I met them to the rude tourist office officials who seemed to be too bored to listen to a foreigners problem and query. I finally did find Ben and did manage to make it outside the Airport. But I did feel a little disappointed that I cross oceans to find similar bureaucrats here as well,

At first impression Poland did not seem very different than an Indian suburb with very little traffic no pollution whatsoever and very few people with small shops scattered around but that did not last long for me. As the first 5 minutes passed by I think the few similarities that I had found had turned themselves into big differences – the afternoon warmth disappeared giving way to a windy evening, Warsaw seemed to look cleaner by every step I took, I started finding small hole in the wall café with charming décor and jazz music. I think the principle by which India is different from Poland is the subtlety. India's charm lies in its colourfulness its pretty in your face shiny demeanour, the fancy jewellery the big moustached men with the sari clad women with flowers in their hair. Definitely urban India is more different and close to any European country which is why I haven't found anything extremely shocking yet but I am sure there will be plenty to find here and plenty to learn. I am really excited to discover Warsaw's old buildings, the elaborate graffiti, the urban Warsaw with their kinotec's (Cinema halls) the little of Poland which I remember seeing from the bus back to Monica's place from the Airport.

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